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Prescriptions for Success

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Conférences Soins de santé 22 juin 2020
Conférences Soins de santé 22 juin 2020
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Disponible en anglais seulement

BMO is proud to host the 5th annual Prescriptions for Success Healthcare Conference, a 100% virtual conference kicking off tomorrow.

This multi-track conference will create a forum for robust conversation on the state of health care across the Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical, and Healthcare Services industries. We will host nearly 60 presenting companies and discuss topics including implications from COVID-19, pipeline development in areas such as rare disease and oncology, as well as health insurance pricing and utilization.

A keynote by Eric Feigl-Ding will address vaccine development and where the public may be misinformed on COVID-19, the prevention and treatment of certain life-threatening diseases, important considerations related to drug safety, the outlook for Medicare and public policy.

Our healthcare services team will host Willis Towers Watson for a discussion of health plan pricing and product trends in the post-pandemic market; our Biopharma team will host a therapeutics panel with two leading dermatologists on emerging treatment modalities for atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.

For more information about the conference.

Thanks to all our clients for taking part in this journey with us.


Dan Barclay Senior Advisor to the CEO


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