IN Tune: The Oil Sands Survivor Podcast
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IN Tune is a podcast featuring Equity Research analysts from BMO Capital Markets. Our episodes explore key emerging themes, trends, and issues which are important to our institutional clients globally.
This episode is hosted by Jared Dziuba, CFA, Oil & Gas Market Specialist
Oil & Gas Thematic Analyst Jared Dziuba discusses the BMO Energy Research Team’s latest IN Front report: “Survivor Canada: The Unparalleled Position of Canadian Oil in a Transition Challenge.” Against commonly held views, we engage in a thought-provoking discussion about why the Canada’s oil sands business is poised to maintain long-term production, and potentially gain market share in a net zero, energy transition world. Jared points out that Canada and its oil companies have practiced ESG since before it was even a “thing,” and why they are poised to maintain a faster pace of improvement than industry. He further explains how oil sands bitumen is distinctly unique in both its extraction and makeup, which provides transition opportunities not available to other sources of oil and supports its longevity in the global supply chain. Finally, Jared suggests that there is meaningful investment opportunity in the “underdog,” as the stocks of Canadian producers have been disproportionately affected by sustainability concerns, despite our findings to the contrary.
Subscribe to this free podcast and never miss an episode or visit the BMO Equity Research website for more great episodes of IN Tune.

IN Tune: The Oil Sands Survivor Podcast
Spécialiste du marché du pétrole et du gaz, BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc.
Jared Dziuba est entré à BMO Marchés des capitaux en 2005 en tant qu’associé, et a commencé à couvrir principalement…
Jared Dziuba est entré à BMO Marchés des capitaux en 2005 en tant qu’associé, et a commencé à couvrir principalement…
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IN Tune is a podcast featuring Equity Research analysts from BMO Capital Markets. Our episodes explore key emerging themes, trends, and issues which are important to our institutional clients globally.
This episode is hosted by Jared Dziuba, CFA, Oil & Gas Market Specialist
Oil & Gas Thematic Analyst Jared Dziuba discusses the BMO Energy Research Team’s latest IN Front report: “Survivor Canada: The Unparalleled Position of Canadian Oil in a Transition Challenge.” Against commonly held views, we engage in a thought-provoking discussion about why the Canada’s oil sands business is poised to maintain long-term production, and potentially gain market share in a net zero, energy transition world. Jared points out that Canada and its oil companies have practiced ESG since before it was even a “thing,” and why they are poised to maintain a faster pace of improvement than industry. He further explains how oil sands bitumen is distinctly unique in both its extraction and makeup, which provides transition opportunities not available to other sources of oil and supports its longevity in the global supply chain. Finally, Jared suggests that there is meaningful investment opportunity in the “underdog,” as the stocks of Canadian producers have been disproportionately affected by sustainability concerns, despite our findings to the contrary.
Subscribe to this free podcast and never miss an episode or visit the BMO Equity Research website for more great episodes of IN Tune.
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